pixels left

Verantwortlich für diese Seite:

Sino Boeckmann
Werderstr. 60
77933 Lahr

@-Contact: found@lookingforapixel.com


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How to play

The game is really simple. When you join the website, a special pixel on the canvas is saved just for you. This pixel is kept on the server while you are connected. If you refresh the game or page, you'll get a new pixel to find. Your job is to find this pixel. As you move your mouse or finger over the canvas, a green pixel shows where you are. Click on the canvas, and you'll hear a sound. If you clicked on your saved pixel, you found it! Another sound will play, and the pixel will turn orange.

Of course, there is a little help. While you’re clicking on the canvas to find your special pixel, the game keeps track of your clicks. After you reach a certain number of clicks, the game will show you five pixels for a short time. One of these is your pixel. You’ll get this hint at least three times during the game.

You can play the game on your phone at first, but as everyone playing the game makes progress, the game itself gets bigger and has more details. Eventually, it might get too big for your phone's screen. When that happens, you'll need to switch to a desktop computer or laptop, which has a bigger screen and more space to show the game properly.

Working together

You're not playing alone. This is a team game. Every player gets their own pixel to find on the same canvas. If you or someone else finds a pixel, everyone will know. We're all working together on the same canvas. The goal is to find all the pixels. When all the pixels are found, the canvas resets, and a new level starts.

How it ends

The game ends when all the pixels on all 9 levels are found. That's about 17,414 pixels in total. I'm not sure what happens after that—maybe the game starts over, or maybe there's a level 10. We'll find out together!

Questions or improvements?

Feel free to email me at game@lookingforthepixel.com if you have ideas to make the game better or if you have any questions. Maybe we need an FAQ section, a chat, or a leaderboard? Let me know what you think!

Restart tour?

Did you miss something during the tour, or just want to go through it again? Click the button below to restart the tour:

Most users online

Longest single session

Most clicks in one session

Most pixels found in one session

Total clicks

Total session time

Average clicks before a pixels is found

Help was given

Your stats will update when you refresh the page. If you don't see your scores, just reload the page. But be careful — when you do, your game will restart, and your session and click timers will reset too.

Welcome! Let's find a pixel!

Hello! It looks like this is your first time visiting the site, and we're really happy to have you here. Are you ready to jump right into the game and start playing, or would you like to learn a bit more about how everything works before you begin? We can guide you through the basics so you know what to expect and how to play.

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